We are proud to feature selections of the highest quality and craftsmanship in jewelry, glass, porcelain, stoneware, raku, wood, silks, and hand-wovens from regional and nationally recognized artists. We are the only American Style Preferred Gallery in Southwest Missouri. Our entire selection is very extensive and we hope you will come visit our store to see more than this preview.

Don Carlson

Don Carlson is a Missouri woodturner who specializes in using exotic woods for his turned pieces.

Stan Horsch

Stan Horsch is a retired orthodontist and  woodturner from Springfield, Missouri and is a member of the American Association of Woodturners.

Ernest Lorenc

Ernest Lorenc is a retired Dermatologist with a lifelong interest in woodworking and has in recent years concentrated on creative woodturning.  The turning process and final finishing are Lorenc's attempts to uncover the natural beauty in each log.